Big adventures in Little boats

Everyday all week long Annabelle asked if we could go camping. Everyday all week long, Brandon asked if we could go boating. So the weekend plan was born. Come Saturday 9 am- we packed up to go boat camping. A hour after we set sail we made it to Skagit Island with about 20 other kayaks. After a quick hike around Skagit Island we set sail again and made landfall at Hope Island. after hiking around and setting up camp we realized that we didn't pack any beer!

It was early in the afternoon and Brandon wanted to sail some more- and (we) wanted some beer to enjoy with the sunset. So he went on a small wind powered boat "beer run" to Jenna and Brennan's house - just over three nautical miles away. Originally, Annabelle and I were going to join him but she laid on the deck of the boat and screamed and kicked like a terrorist so we remained on shore. The plan was, Brandon will go sailing solo and if our friends are home he'll say hi, if they're not he wont say anything... either way he'll raid their beer fridge. 

While Brandon sailed out of sight, I stood on an island with no other people, or any way to get back tomainland, I wondered to myself "when do you suppose he'll be back?" Too bad I didn't bring my cellphone.  

Annabelle and I played dentist, she took care of my teeth, I took care of hers, and when all OUR teeth were looking pretty good, we both took care of her stuffed animals teeth too. After teeth we told stories,  played monster, went to the beach, and stacked rocks so she could try and reach an old rope swing that was seven feet off the ground.  After all this, Brandon still didn't show up. I was almost to the point of finding a volley ball to talk to, I could name him Wilson, just like in the movie Castaway, and that might give Annabelle someone else to talk-at. Finally, I saw Brandon's boat on the horizon, it was quite windy out, and the sail was hoisted, but the boat was barely moving.  Something was odd.

Brandon came back surprisingly wet, he looked like a drowned rat with his tail between his legs. "How was your trip (what took you so long?)"  I asked

Brandon explained, " it took me a hour to sail there, an hour to talk to our friends on the beach, an hour to row into the wind, then an hour to sail back as slow as possible."  

" That's only 4 hours, you've been gone way longer than that " I exclaimed, "and why sail back so slowly!?" 

Brandon Elaborated "Oh-yeah and it took me some extra time because I capsized our boat. I got to swim around in the Puget Sound to gather all of our shit that was slowly floating away from our boat as it bounced and bobbed only six inches sticking out of the water at a time.  then I flipped the boat right side-up, then climbed back in, then bailed all the water out and tipped over again after trying to set the sail, then i swam some more to regather our floating away shit again. At that point i decided 'sailing is dangerous' and since this boat has no motor, I'll just row home. That's what took the extra time.

Brandon's phone's last location before it sank 


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