
Showing posts from March, 2022

Methow Valley Skiing

Brandon and I decided to take a week off work, find some sunshine, snow and do some skiing. Hallelujah- we all need more skiing in our lives.  The Price Clan was easily swayed and joined us for the first part of the trip. Day one brought us to Lake Wenatchee where Brandon started out the vacation by signing everyone up for a vigorous ski beating as we climbed and circumnavigated Nason Ridge.  After a while in the ski trailers Annabelle and Pete "gently let us know" that they were ready to come out.  Once out of the trailer they zipped off running down the ski trail like two blood hounds hot on a fugitive's track... after about 100 yards it was more like two stumbley, drunken , blood hounds zig zagging in no logical order, possibly tripping balls, kinda going down the trail.   After being broken into the activity of "skiing with Brandon" we headed to the Methow Valley which is a local cross country skiing paradise. Brandon got a little taste of his own medicine f