
Showing posts from January, 2022

Winter Camping

New Years Eve brought us to Lake Wenatchee to cross country ski in the van with the Price Clan. Its nice when you have another couple with a toddler nearly the same age who is as eager to do something nearly as stupid as you are.  Don't get me wrong, Lake Wenatchee is a post card. It is a beautiful alpine lake with nice scenic groomed trails criss crossing through the state park and adjacent golf course. It's a winter paradise and we all skied on cloud nine towing the toddlers in trailers. The effort was welcomed as we were all feeling the post holiday paunch.  The problem was the highest temperature we saw all weekend was around 14 degrees. Diapers turn into frozen shit bricks and wipes freeze in place way before that. Toddlers look like Midget Michelin Men suited up for arctic exploration. And where do you put the child so they stay warm at night?   A day before we departed, Brandon solved all the problems and announced " We shall build a cot and hang her from the ceilin