
Showing posts from October, 2021

Glacier National Park

Mount Ann is a simple scramble that has skunked us just shy of the top. Every attempt we've lost visibility, ran out of time, or just couldn't pull it off.  So when Brandon's Dad agreed to watch Annabelle for the weekend we made plans to finally summit Mount Ann. When we made our plan we were thinking of time, speed and duration in baby units. But we actually moved quickly. We schlepped our overnight gear to the summit and  took an adventure route through a boulder field back down. We had enough left over time to nap in a meadow, made it back to the trailhead, and were drinking beer at the van by 5 pm. Apparently, You can move fast without the shenanigans of a 1.5 year old.  After checking the weather we realized it was going to rain for a week straight. Putting a toddler in a boat while its raining outside is like putting a monster in a box, except this time the box was going to be a really wet and cold. So the decision was made to take the van to Glacier National Park hop